Southern Lodge Features & Amenities
Found at the Southern Lodge is a certain charm and way of life that we invite all guests to partake in. Leave your troubles behind because all of the everyday details you worry about have been taken care of. Complimentary services like parking, breakfast and internet are provided so that you can maximize savings. Located on Highway 601 in the “growth triangle,” the Southern Lodge in Orangeburg remains a long-standing choice among travelers in the area. Consider a great hotel bargain when you stay with us. We provide endless amenities to make you feel at home:
- Fast speed wireless Internet
- Hot and cold breakfast buffet (self-serve beginning at 5:00 am)
- Free room-front parking convenience
- Truck Parking available
- Comfortable Orangeburg handicap hotel lodging accommodations
- Self-serve bulk ice dispensers
- Snack machines
- 24-hour Check In & Reservations
- Orangeburg maps & information brochures
- Front Desk recommendations for restaurants, attractions & events
- Thoughtful and responsive Management, Front Desk and Housekeeping